Garden Fostering and Stewardship

Welcome to Rettig LLC

Garden Fostering and Stewardship

Our garden ethos begins at the intersection of human culture and the beauty of nature.


Tending the flames of tradition.

Traditional methods of pruning, stone setting, and realizing the vision for a garden are employed in our practices. We maintain an eye for quality and space that is meant to evolve over time. This evolution of the garden with a careful hand is what is meant by “garden fostering”.


Innovation inspired by nature.

Shizensa, the essence of nature, is a sought after quality since the dawn of civilization. In our modern world, with its inherent disconnectedness from nature and each other, it is more imperative than ever to seek a space for respite and connectivity. We steward gardens drawing from native plants to create a regional sense of place and introduced varieties to enhance an experience separate from modern life. We curate the garden to have plants and stones in ideal conditions not only for the benefit of the plant and its ecological adaptability, but also for the human eye that has evolved to see based on ecological sensibilities. This is what is meant by “garden stewardship”.

“The garden could be said to stand at the crossroads of nature and culture, of matter and consciousness. It is neither one nor the other, it discloses both in the form of human art.”

— Gunter Nitzschke